
We are committed to equality, diversity and inclusivity. CamCID is a safe space for everyone to express their identity, curiosity and creativity.


Amir H. Keshavarzzadeh, PhD candidate (Engineering), University of Cambridge

Advisor Prof. Jonathan Cullen,Department of Engineering

Area: Agent-based modelling, system dynamics, data science

Gianluca Maffi, 4th year engineering undergad, University of Cambridge

Area: Climate change, ML/AI, NLP

Tong Chen, MPhil candidate, University of Cambridge

Area: urban planning, data science, ML, GIScience, urban climate

Abdullah Hasan Safir (Gates Scholar), PhD candidate (AI Ethics), University of Cambridge

Area: AI Ethics, Society, Epistemic knowledge, Design thinking

Co-advisor Prof. Alan Blackwell, Computer Laboratory

Funder: Gates Cambridge Trust

Aanchala Bhongade, B.Tech. Production Engineering, VJTI Mumbai

Area: ML/AI, Time-series Analysis, Astroinformatics, Music Generation and Composition

Jinquan Ye, M.S. Environmental Science, Duke University

Area: Environmental Economics, Computational Social Science, NLP, LLMs

Taran Chandel, Economics and Data Science major, University of Edinburgh

Area: Computational Economics, Policy Evaluation and Applied Econometrics

Waqar Ashraf, Research Assistant in Responsible AI (Cambridge) - PhD candidate (UCL Chemical Engineering)

Area: AI, energy transition, process optimization, net zero

Advisor Prof. Vivek Dua, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, UCL

Webpage: Click here

Ziqian Xia, M.S. Public Policy (Tongji University)

Area: Sustainable Behavior, Climate Decision Making, Research Synthesis

Webpage: Click here

Pengyu Zhang, PhD Candidate (Engineering)

Area: Data-centric engineering, opinion dynamics, Physics-informed ML, computational statistics

Research Assistant for the project: Data science for housing energy-health nexus

Advisor: Prof. Mark Girolami, Computational Statistics and Machine Learning Group

Cuicheng Zhang, DPhil Candidate (Engineering - Oxford)

Area: Complexity science, building energy efficiency, data science

Tianzhu Qin, PhD Candidate (Social data science)

Area: Computational social science, opinion dynamics, econometrics, ML/AI, network science


  • (2023-24) C. Zhang, MPhil in Architecture and Urban Studies: Big data and machine learning reveals the interaction of sociodemographic and building characteristics on energy efficiency and environmental impacts in London (Now: DPhil candidate at the Unievrsity of Oxford)
  • (2023-24) K. Law, MSt in AI and Ethics: AI ethics in sustainability industry.
  • (2022-23) S. Chinyoka, MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development: Gender mainstreaming and energy cultures in Sub-Saharan Africa. (Now: Working as Electrical Engineer, Scottish Power)
  • (2022-23) O. Osifala, MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development: Sustainable pathways to renewable integration in Nigeria
  • (2022-23) I. Eliiot, MSt in AI and Ethics: Distraction, Deception & Divergence in the Coming Age of Synthetic Media
  • (2022-23) K. Larson, MPhil in Architecture and Urban Studies: Climate impacts and urban resilience of Hurricane Ian. (Now: PhD candidate at University of Miami Rosenstiel School)
  • (2022-23) N.T. Roudsari, MPhil in Architecture and Urban Studies: Gamefication and urban planning for sustainability
  • (2021-22) K. Raimalani, MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development: Smart grids and equitable energy transition in India (Now: Working as ESG Analyst, Mainstreet Partner)

Research interns

  • (2023 Summer) O. Lagercrantz, History and Philosophy of Science: Ethics of solar geoengineering
  • (2021 Summer) A. Mishra, Robotics: Gaussian analysis of residential energy consumption in India